Pregnancy Choices

Pregnant and not sure what to do? We provide free information about your pregnancy choices in South Texas. Get answers to your questions about abortion, adoption and parenting.

We understand that this is a crucial decision, and we’re committed to helping you make the choice that’s right for you. Our goal is to ensure you feel informed, empowered, and at peace with the path you choose.

It is your body, your choice. We do not financially benefit from your decision which allows us to discuss all your choices with absolutely no pressure.


No cost. No age restriction. No insurance required. 100% confidential.

What Are My Choices?


We are here to support you in addressing your parenting concerns and connecting you with the necessary resources. Many individuals have questions about single parenting, co-parenting, marriage, continuing their education, achieving financial stability, and various other topics. We offer free pregnancy and parenting classes to provide guidance and valuable information.


Explore why some women consider adoption as a viable option. We offer free information about the adoption process for birth mothers and can refer you to agencies that align with your specific needs. In most cases, financial assistance for medical and living expenses is available to birth mothers, along with various other benefits.


If you are contemplating abortion, whether through abortion pills, at-home methods, or in-clinic procedures, we are here to address any questions you may have and provide comprehensive information about your options.

Pre-Abortion Consultation

During our pregnancy choices consultation, we offer a comprehensive set of services designed to provide you with the information and support you need. This includes a free pregnancy test to confirm your current pregnancy status. Additionally, we provide ultrasound services, performed by medically licensed professionals, to confirm viability, meaning that your pregnancy has not miscarried and is not ectopic.

These vital services are aimed at ensuring that you have a clear and accurate understanding of your pregnancy, empowering you to make informed decisions about your choices. Our compassionate and caring team is here to guide you through this process.  Your well-being is our priority, and we’re here to offer support every step of the way.

Book An Appointment


Question? Let's Chat. 

Our staff and nurses are ready to assist you. Get answers to your questions and learn about our free and confidential services. Call (361) 991-2008 or text (361) 992-1223.

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